




Ertogan is crazy, Allach, pilaf, essiexixi

Avrupa and sunnet(i), a sichtir paklavas

hasis(i) τζιαι μαντήλα sharia and kavga

Avrupa the Turkey Sieg Heil membership

Davutoglu Islam, war in Kurdistan.

The petrols of Mosul is dreaming Ertogan

on Cyprus the Turks are still with the tanks.

He shot a Russian aircraft* and ran to the Americans

baba Obama, Hillary my mum

protect me from the Russians and safe Ertogan

baba Obama safe Ertogan kill all the Russians who angry Ertogan

baba Obama, Hillary mama open your wings for chicken Ertogan.

I am a chicken, chicken Ertogan

sharia and pilaf Avrupa and Jihad.

Journalists in the prisons of crazy Ertogan

Journalists in the prisons Merkel ist egal.

Alles durcheinander Turkey über alles

alles durcheinander Geld immer über albes.

Wenn alles durcheinander, Ertogan über alles

Ertogan über alles Sieg Ηeil durcheinander.



Χάρης Αριστείδου


Τηλ. 99017040


Σημ.*: Η «αγγλική» λέξη «air» είναι από την προομηρική μας λέξη «αήρ».